Elicia's Digital Garden

Elicia's mind/root

Welcome to my digital garden!

Hey 👋, it's Elicia and here lie all the things on my mind.

What is this?

This website is a digital garden🌱 (inspired by Aquiles Carattino and Joel Hooks), an ongoing work in progress of all my thoughts and notes. Everything here is scattered; there is no index or categories. The only way around is through links.

The purpose of this site is for me to share my learning process in public. You may find unfinished ideas or missing concepts, just little seeds of information without enough connections to become projects, yet.

My digital garden is open-sourced and made with ❤️ using Gatsby.

Where do I start?

You're at the root but here are some links to check out!

If you're interested in what I do or have any comments about this website, let's chat!
Find me on Twitter / LinkedIn